Friday, November 30, 2012

The need for steed.

I can't even tell you how many times I have been riding along, minding my own business, thinking how rad it would be if my bike sounded like a horse. If only there were a way..

This just might be the most epic, unnecessary bike gadget ever. I am totally puting this on my secret santa wish list.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ghetto Fenderized Wheelie Machine

All this talk of wheelies has made me want to take the mini out.

Normally, it is a bit of a fair weather bike, specialized for quick trips downtown and late night bar hopping. Since the 9 months of rain have officially descended upon Portland, the mini needed some fenders.

Political signs to the rescue. Is there anything that chloroplast cant do?
Look at that sweet color matching.

Professionally done.
Perfect for weight weenie commuters.